Troop 6 has been a part of the Houghs Neck community for the last 94 consecutive years. From our humble beginnings, meeting in the basement of the Atherton Hough School to our present home in the Corea Fellowship Hall of Houghs Neck Congregational Church, we have proudly taught the Scouting traditions of service and dedication in accordance with the ideals of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Many of our leaders have gone on to become influential leaders in the community, and many members have even served our country in the Armed Forces. Our two longest serving leaders in the troop, Mike Berry and Marty Gordon, are the epitome of what a scout should be. They are both Eagle Scouts and recipients of the very prestigious Waldorf and Statler Award. Mike Berry has received awards from the district, council, and national level. These awards include: the District Award of Merit, the highest award from the district; the Silver Beaver award, which is the highest award given by council; the National Award from BSA and the American Federation of Labor the "George Meany Award". Mike Berry is not the only Troop 6 recipient of the Silver Beaver Award. Other recipients include: Marty Gordon, Robert Schuerch, and “Uncle” Arthur Turner. Not only did these leaders give so much back to the troop, but they were also recognized by the council for their dedication to the community.
Perhaps, one of the troop's most recognizable leaders was Pop Josselyn, who served as an Adult Leader of the Troop and Pack for many years. The Troop's Distinguished Service Award is named in his memory along with Lou and Molly Witham who served both the Troop and Pack in many roles. We also have a campership fund named in their memory working towards their mission to never leave a scout behind.
Our troop was first organized in 1917 with William Yerga as scoutmaster and only lasted for 3 years until it was discontinued in 1920. Troop 6 was then revived in 1930 by Scoutmaster Herbert Ackerson. Harold Shaw was the first cubmaster, with Mrs. Sally Foster and Mrs. Lucy Brophy the equivalents of present den mothers. Since then we have had some great Scoutmasters leading our Troop.
Scoutmasters 1930 – Present
William Yerga (1917 - 1920)
Herbert Ackerson (1930 - )
George Morey
Russell Sines
John Johnston
William Williams
William McPeck
George Allison
Ernest Fitzgibbons
John Morris ( - 1968)
Martin Gordon (1968 - 1980)
William MacDonald (1980 - 1981)
Joseph Giggey (1981 - 1991)
Martin Gordon (1991 - 2001)
Robert Gordon (2001 - Present)
Troop 6 has given back to the community since its inception. One of these ways has been through our long standing relationship with the troop focused on helping those with Special Needs, Troop 51, Quincy. We shared our summer camp site with them for five years and participated in many activities together. Sadly Troop 51 has been discontinued and we are one of the few surviving Troops in Quincy along with Troop 42. Marty Gordon, Eagle Scout and previous Scoutmaster, also served as President of the Executive Board of the Houghs Neck Community Council.
The Eagle Scout Project was not always a requirement for the prestigious rank of Eagle, however the merit badges requirement has been instated since the inception of the award. A Scout's "record of satisfactory service" with his troop was first added to the Eagle requirements in 1912. This changed in 1952 to "do your best to help in your home, school, church or synagogue, and community." This vague statement was refined to "plan, develop, and carry out a service project" in 1965. Mike Berry received his Eagle Scout Award before this requirement was taken into effect, feel free to ask him about it.
We also have a long and active history in the Order of the Arrow (OA), five members of our Troop, Rob Gordon, John Wencek, Brian Laroche, Marty Gordon, and Tom Belton, have been awarded the rank of Vigil. This is an award that can not be earned and must be voted for amongst your peers. Since our induction to the OA we have been involved in 5 different lodges through various mergers.
We also have been involved in four different councils since 1918;
Quincy Council 1918 - 1966
Boston Council 1966 - 1993
Boston Minuteman Council 1993 - 2015
Spirit of Adventure 2015 - Present
As we compile our troop's history, feel free to send any cool facts about the troop to We are looking for anything related to the troops history including, but not limited to, Scoutmasters and how long they served for, as well as how large the troop was when you were in the program.